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What on earth is happening to the Finnish weather?

In here Finland, In summer and winter, the wind can blow so hard that you fear the roof might fly away. No snow in sight, no mild “normal” summer days in sight… what on earth is happening?

For several years now, summers have been troubled by this equation: when the sun shines, it’s so darn windy that you don’t even want to be outside. Why is this? We don’t even live on the coast, where one would understand the winds.

Climate hype. Is climate change real?

I’ve been casually following the climate change chatter, knowing more or less where things stand. At times, I’ve strongly believed that there won’t be any change, but the past few years have really altered my opinion.

This winter seems to be the pinnacle of it all. Typically (always) in my own childhood, January was extremely cold and snowy. Apparently, one can’t even expect winter to reach January anymore, every year. Recreational and leisure opportunities dwindle when ski slopes can’t be covered with snow, and there are no ski tracks or ice skating rinks. I’d gotten used to having dark Christmases, but this is a bit too much. Of course, if I have to choose a favorite season, it’s summer… but if the climate is to change, then why not have summer all year round? That’s probably not scientifically possible for us (?) but one can always hope!

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