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What if you only had six months left to live?

Take a moment to engage in a little thought experiment and consider the question, “What if you only had six months left to live?” This isn’t about a gloomy medical prognosis, just a playful exploration of what you would do if the finiteness of life were certain and immediate.

I found myself pondering this recently through a social media post shared by Jutta Larm, where she boldly led us into this hypothetical scenario.

If time were limited, what brave actions would you take?

Would you switch jobs that weigh you down for one that brings a smile to your face?
Would you start that crazy hobby you’ve secretly yearned for but kept in check with reason?
Would you cut out unnecessary things from your life, like that unpleasant coffee you only drink because you always have?
Would your diet include some greens instead of sugar and fat?
Would you fly far away for the vacation of your dreams?

Imagine for a moment looking around and considering who truly deserves a place in your life. No dramatic relationship dramas, just a practical question: Who do you spend time with effortlessly? And what about that one friend whose messages you’ve always left unanswered? Perhaps it’s time to send a message that says, “I’m still alive, what are you up to these days?”

Why wait for a potential future threat to change your life?

Why can’t we make those small (or big) changes now that we’ve always dreamed of? Perhaps life doesn’t always have to be so serious – we can laugh, let loose, and do things we love. Ultimately, we can never know how limited our life is. It’s quite certain that tomorrow doesn’t exist yet. And not even yesterday. There’s only this moment, which is all we have.

So, why not live in the here and now, living our lives to the fullest and guiding it moment by moment in the direction that feels best?

Start the journey towards a more meaningful everyday life NOW. Be the superhero of your own life!

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